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Your Coach

Grant Foreman

Our physical selves do not exist apart from our emotional/spiritual selves.  Each effects the other. Through the practice of good self-care in either area, the other, too, will benefit. This is where I get really excited:  connecting people to aspects of themselves they may have thought unattainable. I have no interest in doing the work for you; rather I want to show you how it can be done and remind you that YOU CAN DO IT.


My own physical development has been a lengthy work in progress. I was no jock growing up. My success has been hard earned and it is something I actively maintain daily.


What I offer my clients works. They see results with every session.  I never ask my clients to do anything I don't do.


Nicky-Award winning Outstanding Personal Trainer for 2015.


As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Grant Foreman Fitness. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Grant Foreman Fitness is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Grant Foreman Fitness (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury. Grant cannot guarantee your results with Grant Foreman Fitness. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation. Grant is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

© 2015 Grant Foreman.

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